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Network and Systems Hardening

Network hardening Make sure your firewall is correctly configured, that all rules are periodically reviewed, that remote access points and users are secure, that any open network ports are blocked, that extraneous protocols and services are disabled and removed, that access lists are in place, and that network data is encrypted. Systems Hardening Audit your current systems: Conduct a thorough audit of your current technologies (you can use). To identify system weaknesses and order remedies, use security auditing techniques like configuration management, vulnerability scanning, and penetration testing. Utilize industry standards from NIST, Microsoft, CIS, DISA, and other sources to conduct system hardening assessments against resources. Create a strategy for systems hardening: Not every system needs to be hardened at once. Instead, develop a strategy and plan based on the risks found in your IT ecosystem, and then utilize a staged approach to fix the most serious issues. Patch ...

Trojan/Droppers/Wrappers/Crypter/Remote Access Trojans (RAT)

 Trojan Construction Kit

Trojan Construction Kit allow the attacker to create their own Trojans. These customized Trojans can be more dangerous for the target as well as an attacker if it is not executed properly or backfires. These customized Trojans created by using Construction kits can avoid detection from virus and Trojan scanning.

Some Trojan Construction Kits are: -

Dark Horse Trojan Virus Maker

Senna Spy Generator

Trojan Horse Construction Kit

Progenic mail Trojan Construction Kit

Pandora's Box


A dropper is a software or program that is specially designed for delivering a payload on the target machine. The main purpose of Dropper is to install malware codes on to the victim’s computer without alerting and avoiding detection. It uses various methods to spread and install malware.

Trojan-Dropper Tools

TrojanDropper: Win32/Rotbrow.A

TrojanDropper: Win32/Swisyn

Trojan: Win32/Meredrop



It is a non-malicious file that binds the malicious file to propagate the Trojan.Basically, Wrapper binds a malicious file in order to create and propagate the Trojan along with it to avoid detection. Wrappers are often popular Executable file such as games, music and video files, as well as any other non-malicious file.

Crypter A Crypter is software used while creating Trojans. The basic purpose of Crypter is it encrypt, obfuscate, and manipulate the malware and malicious programs. By using Crypter for hiding a malicious program, it becomes even more difficult for security programs such as anti-viruses to detect. It is popularly used by hackers to create malware which is capable of bypassing security programs by presenting itself as a non-malicious program until it gets installed. Some of the available Crypter to hide malicious programs are: - Cryogenic Crypter Heaven Crypter Swayz Cryptor Remote Access Trojans (RAT) Remote Access Trojan (RAT) allows the attacker to get remote desktop access to victim's computer by enabling Port which allows the GUI access to the remote system. RAT includes a back door for maintaining administrative access and control over the victim. Using RAT, an attacker can monitor user's activity, access confidential information, take screenshots and record audio and video using a webcam, format drives and alter files, etc. The following are the list of RAT tools: - Optix Pro MoSucker BlackHole RAT SSH-R.A.T njRAT Xtreme RAT DarkComet RAT


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Network and Systems Hardening

Network hardening Make sure your firewall is correctly configured, that all rules are periodically reviewed, that remote access points and users are secure, that any open network ports are blocked, that extraneous protocols and services are disabled and removed, that access lists are in place, and that network data is encrypted. Systems Hardening Audit your current systems: Conduct a thorough audit of your current technologies (you can use). To identify system weaknesses and order remedies, use security auditing techniques like configuration management, vulnerability scanning, and penetration testing. Utilize industry standards from NIST, Microsoft, CIS, DISA, and other sources to conduct system hardening assessments against resources. Create a strategy for systems hardening: Not every system needs to be hardened at once. Instead, develop a strategy and plan based on the risks found in your IT ecosystem, and then utilize a staged approach to fix the most serious issues. Patch ...