Concepts, Types, and Phases of Hacking
A hacker is someone who is intelligent enough to use various tools and techniques to gain unauthorized access to a system in order to steal information such as usernames, passwords, financial information, credit card information, business data, and personal information. Hackers are very skilled, capable of creating software, and exploring both hardware and software. Their motives can range from paying people to hack computers to engaging in unlawful activity for enjoyment.
Black Hats
Hacker with amazing talents who engages in malicious and destructive acts, often known as crackers
White hats
Security Analyst or individuals with hacking skills using them for defensive purpose
Gray Hats
Gray Hats are those work for both offensively and defensively
Suicide hackers
Suicide hackers are those who aim for destruction without worrying about punishment.
Script Kiddies
Unskilled hackers, hacking and compromising systems using tools are scripts made by real hackers.
Cyber Terrorists
Skilled individuals, motivated by religious or political belief attacking on large scale to create fear
The Term "Hacking" in information security refers to exploiting the vulnerabilities in a system, compromising the security to gain unauthorized command and control over the system resources.
Hacking Phases
The following are the five phases of hacking: -
1. Reconnaissance
2. Scanning
3. Gaining Access
4. Maintaining Access
5. Clearing Tracks
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